Σάββατο 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2012

New etwinning project: EUTOPIA – Europe Tomorrow

Dear colleagues

We would like to invite you to join our school (3rd Lyceum of Nea Philadelphia in Athens) in collaborating on a new etwinning project for 2013, which is the European Year of Active Citizenship. 

The project is called 'EUTOPIA' and is about designing a European social utopia.

You will find a short description of the project as an attachment and a thorough description at 

The teacher team of our school consists of two Classical Greek teachers, a Sociology teacher, an Art teacher, an ICT teacher and an English teacher.

We find the idea for this project fascinating because it involves studying interesting literature, reflecting on the present, envisaging the future with optimistim, negotiating ideas, planning and constructing concrete proposals.

We are also optimistic that this sort of etwinning projects with a strictly European dimension will eventually open the road for the continuation of Comenius partnerships, if there is any, of course.

If your students are 17 - 21 years old and you find this project interesting, please contact us the soonest possible
because the deadline for submission of the final products is June 2013.

Best regards

Katerina Fyssaki (kfyssaki@gmail.com )
Stavriana Soubassi (ssoubassi@gmail.com) 

Project description

Title:                      EUROPIA – Europe Tomorrow
          Looking at the present for an improvement in the future

This etwinning project aims at the collaboration of students in designing and presenting a utopian European society which best serves their needs as European citizens. The project has been proposed by Germany as an example of how school cooperation may foster European active citizenship in the framework of the European Year of Active Citizenship 2013.

In order to envisage and design their shared European utopia, the participating students are advised to study several models of utopian societies from different domains (Philosophy, Literature, Art etc) such as Plato’s Politeia, Tomas Moore’s Utopia  and Tomasso Campanella’s City of the Sun  among many others. Besides, it is recommended that students are acquainted with the well-known dystopias (negative visions of future cities) of Aldus Huxley, ‘Brave New World’ and George Orwell’s ‘1984’. Last, students could carry out research into the modern trends in city development (utopian cities, ideal cities, educational cities, cities for children and slow cities)

Having reflected on the proposed utopias and taking into consideration the main aspects of social structure (governance, justice, labour and employment, transport, economics, education and science, health, integration and equality, cross-cultural contact and environment), the students are going to arrive at a shared vision of a model future European society, construct a concrete design exploiting a wide range of ICT tools (TwinSpace Forum, Document Library, Photo Gallery, Web Content, Wiki).

The final products can include: each student’s profile, their first drawings of a dream city, a poster that reflects their decisions at the stage of designing, a 3D model of their Utopian City – characterized as TwinCity as well as videos.

The Greek Team
In 3rd Upper Secondary School “Miltos Kountouras”